Account Monitoring

Know which accounts are performing well and which need intervention, with timely alerting to keep you in the loop.

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Connects with Usage and Sales Software

This tool plugs into your usage tracking software like Segment, as well as your sales platforms such as HubSpot or Salesforce. It acts as a bridge between these systems, pulling in valuable data from both. This integration is key to getting a complete view of how your customers are interacting with your product and how this translates to sales activities.

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Tracks Account Engagement for Sales Insight

The tool tracks which accounts are actively engaging with your product based on specific usage numbers. This means your sales team can see which customers are using your product the most and in what ways. It helps them understand how different accounts are interacting with your services, providing insights that can guide their sales strategies.

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Alerts for Accounts at Risk

A crucial feature of this tool is its alert system. It monitors accounts against set thresholds that might indicate a risk of not renewing their service. If an account falls below these thresholds, the tool sends a trigger to your sales team. This heads-up allows them to engage with these accounts early, understand their concerns or issues, and take steps to ensure they stick around. This proactive approach can be vital in retaining customers and maintaining steady revenue streams.

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