Item Replenishment Engine

Know exactly when your customer's are out of stock - and act on that knowledge.

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Anticipate Your Customers' Needs with Precision

Our Item Replenishment model is a game-changer for your business. It smartly predicts when your customers will need more of your products. This tool looks at their buying habits and tells your marketing tools the best time to remind them to restock. With this, your customers never run out of what they need, and your sales keep growing.

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Seamless Integration with Your Marketing Tools

Integrating with your favorite Email Service Providers (ESPs) like Klaviyo, Attentive, and Sendlane is a breeze. Our model seamlessly plugs into these platforms, empowering your marketing efforts. Imagine sending perfectly-timed emails, SMS, and ads with personalized product suggestions and direct cart links for in-stock items. This streamlined process ensures your customers can easily repurchase what they need, enhancing their shopping experience and boosting your sales.

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Enhanced Shopping Experience with Smart Pairing

We're not just reminding customers to rebuy. Our model also recommends products that go well together. It's smart enough to skip items that aren't available, so your customers always have a great shopping experience. This means happier customers and more sales for you.

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